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Allergy Pak
Allergy Pak
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Help your body break down allergens so you can enjoy every beautiful day.
Nutritional Support for Getting Relief from Allergies
Load your system with nutrients and enzymes proven to help combat allergens.

How It Works
Supplies a potent dose of digestive enzymes, probiotics, EFAs and energy-restoring nutrients to help your body react calmly to allergens.
Take one packet daily or as needed in response to allergens.
Key Ingredients & Their Roles
Optimal 1 Digestion - Provide essential digestive enzymes
Optimal Flora Plus - Help boost immune function and fight off invaders
Optimal EFA - Help improve respiratory function and fight off itchy eyes and dry nose
Opti-Mito-Force - Help restore energy levels
Optimal Acute - Provide missing enzymes to break down irritants and allergens

Allergic reactions means your body is trying to protect you.
The efforts your body puts forth to protect you are far from pleasant, and in extreme cases, can be deadly. To understand allergies means taking a look at what’s going on inside your body at the cellular level. It is being more commonly understood outside the medical community that allergies are actually an immune reaction. They’re not a separate function your body undergoes. You don’t have an allergy system; it’s actually your immune system.
The very system that fights off colds and stomach bugs also fights off allergens, irritants, toxins, and so on. You have one massive, multi-level defense system working nonstop to keep you alive. The difference between allergies and illness is that illness is a direct attack on your health, while allergies are an immune system overreaction. Everyone reacts generally the same to the cold or flu, but pet dander, pollen, dust, and so on? There’s a big reason not all immune systems react equally to allergens.
Most of it is genetics. Some of it is a product of your environment, and sometimes something biologically just plain goes wrong.But there’s good news. You can beat genetics and everything that causes allergies in the first place. Improving your environment, food intake and mindset is called epigenetics. This is where your work can override your genetic code.
The Cellular Nuts and Bolts of Allergies
Pollen gets in your nose when you breathe in. The built-in defenses in your nose, throat and lungs sense particulate invaders. You sneeze. There’s still pollen there. Your nose runs. Pollen has gotten into your throat. Your throat gets dry and scratchy, and your sinuses swell from the influx of histamine. Being able to breathe through your nose becomes faint memory. And the real kicker? The person next to you doesn’t have so much as an itchy nose. Why is pollen so evil to you and not the other guy, too?
Pollen is NOT the culprit, not the enemy. Your immune system, more specifically how it reacts, is the problem. Pollen is harmless. How your immune system reacts is what can cause harm. Allergens are airborne or food particles that the body can’t break down to either get rid of or use. The person who is mercifully free of seasonal allergies has an immune system that calmly takes pollen in, breaks it down, and peacefully passes it through their body.
Allergy sufferers have an immune system reacts like it’s fighting off a zombie apocalypse and tries to destroy pollen the moment it waddles through the gate that is your nose. The immune system doesn’t even try to break pollen down. It wants nothing to do with said invader. It wants the stuff out ASAP.
So, cue the sneezing, itchiness, runny nose and mouth breathing. Do you have to resort to allergy “medicine” or resign yourself to your stuffy fate? No. The true, long-lasting solution is giving your body what it lacks to break down allergens. You also need to strengthen your body at the cellular level so it is no longer hypersensitive to allergens.
Build Up Your Allergen Response Strength
Histamine is the buzz word when it comes to allergies. The truth is there’s so much more to it. Allergies are tied to digestive enzymes, probiotics, essential vitamins, minerals, EFAs and antioxidants. Your body needs a full nutritional kit to stay calm and carry on. Need proof? Look at the rise of gluten intolerance and food allergies in America.
This country’s poor diet and heavily processed foods are taking a major toll on immune systems. Certain immune responses can be reversed and even strengthened. It’s important to give it a hand because it can become sensitized (the opposite of desensitized), and that’s the path to greater allergy misery. It just takes the right tools to balance things out. Digestive enzymes help break down allergens that your body cannot break down on its own. Most allergens are carbs or proteins. So, when you provide your body with an army of protease, amylase and more, your body has an aha! moment and sends digestive enzymes to the front lines to methodically take care pollen, dust, and whatnot.
Over time, you can deplete digestive enzymes, especially if you don’t eat the right foods to regularly replenish them. This can lead to becoming more and more sensitive to allergens as you get older. Going back to basics is an important step to achieving optimal health. Essential vitamins and minerals play a role in immune function. Lacking in just one vitamin or mineral can hinder the body’s ability in fighting allergens. The importance of your gut cannot be overstated. So much about your health originates in your gut.
Allergic reactions are no exception, so your body absolutely needs probiotics to help avoid sensitivities and overreacting. Allergies can deplete your probiotic resources in your gut. There is a link between gut health and the number of T cells ( immune response cells) in your body. The more T cells, the milder your allergies.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) play a very important role in helping reduce and prevent inflammatory conditions. They are important components of the outer skin or membrane of every cell. They have been found to relieve allergy symptoms by improving respiratory function, and are also essential in providing lubrication for itchy eyes and dry nose. EFAs have been shown to help balance the immune system and prevent allergies.
Antioxidants provide the body with important defense mechanisms needed with allergies. Many antioxidants are involved in combating the damaging molecules that bombard the body every day. Allergy Pak: five formulas promote quick and complete breakdown of irritants, aid in digestion, engulf and eliminate allergens that have made it into the bloodstream, provide antioxidants to neutralize allergens, and reducing inflammation caused by allergic reactions.
Each packet includes:
Optimal Digestion-1 capsule Promotes the breakdown of foods into absorbable and usable forms by the action of plant-based enzymes and stabilized friendly bacteria.
Optimal Flora Plus-1 capsule Adds stabilized friendly bacteria to the intestines to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, aid in digestion, and boost the immune system.
Optimal E.F.A.-1 capsule Fatty Acids help the body to engulf and eliminate allergens that have made it into the bloodstream.
Opti-Mito-Force-2 capsule A wide array of antioxidants are necessary to ensure the body can fight off all the different types of allergens that make it into the bloodstream.
Optimal Acute-1 capsule When the body is fighting an allergy attack, inflammation becomes a big issue. Inflammation consists of excess proteins in the body.
Help your body break down allergens so you can enjoy every beautiful day.
Nutritional Support for Getting Relief from Allergies
Load your system with nutrients and enzymes proven to help combat allergens.

How It Works
Supplies a potent dose of digestive enzymes, probiotics, EFAs and energy-restoring nutrients to help your body react calmly to allergens.
Take one packet daily or as needed in response to allergens.
Key Ingredients & Their Roles
Optimal 1 Digestion - Provide essential digestive enzymes
Optimal Flora Plus - Help boost immune function and fight off invaders
Optimal EFA - Help improve respiratory function and fight off itchy eyes and dry nose
Opti-Mito-Force - Help restore energy levels
Optimal Acute - Provide missing enzymes to break down irritants and allergens

Allergic reactions means your body is trying to protect you.
The efforts your body puts forth to protect you are far from pleasant, and in extreme cases, can be deadly. To understand allergies means taking a look at what’s going on inside your body at the cellular level. It is being more commonly understood outside the medical community that allergies are actually an immune reaction. They’re not a separate function your body undergoes. You don’t have an allergy system; it’s actually your immune system.
The very system that fights off colds and stomach bugs also fights off allergens, irritants, toxins, and so on. You have one massive, multi-level defense system working nonstop to keep you alive. The difference between allergies and illness is that illness is a direct attack on your health, while allergies are an immune system overreaction. Everyone reacts generally the same to the cold or flu, but pet dander, pollen, dust, and so on? There’s a big reason not all immune systems react equally to allergens.
Most of it is genetics. Some of it is a product of your environment, and sometimes something biologically just plain goes wrong.But there’s good news. You can beat genetics and everything that causes allergies in the first place. Improving your environment, food intake and mindset is called epigenetics. This is where your work can override your genetic code.
The Cellular Nuts and Bolts of Allergies
Pollen gets in your nose when you breathe in. The built-in defenses in your nose, throat and lungs sense particulate invaders. You sneeze. There’s still pollen there. Your nose runs. Pollen has gotten into your throat. Your throat gets dry and scratchy, and your sinuses swell from the influx of histamine. Being able to breathe through your nose becomes faint memory. And the real kicker? The person next to you doesn’t have so much as an itchy nose. Why is pollen so evil to you and not the other guy, too?
Pollen is NOT the culprit, not the enemy. Your immune system, more specifically how it reacts, is the problem. Pollen is harmless. How your immune system reacts is what can cause harm. Allergens are airborne or food particles that the body can’t break down to either get rid of or use. The person who is mercifully free of seasonal allergies has an immune system that calmly takes pollen in, breaks it down, and peacefully passes it through their body.
Allergy sufferers have an immune system reacts like it’s fighting off a zombie apocalypse and tries to destroy pollen the moment it waddles through the gate that is your nose. The immune system doesn’t even try to break pollen down. It wants nothing to do with said invader. It wants the stuff out ASAP.
So, cue the sneezing, itchiness, runny nose and mouth breathing. Do you have to resort to allergy “medicine” or resign yourself to your stuffy fate? No. The true, long-lasting solution is giving your body what it lacks to break down allergens. You also need to strengthen your body at the cellular level so it is no longer hypersensitive to allergens.
Build Up Your Allergen Response Strength
Histamine is the buzz word when it comes to allergies. The truth is there’s so much more to it. Allergies are tied to digestive enzymes, probiotics, essential vitamins, minerals, EFAs and antioxidants. Your body needs a full nutritional kit to stay calm and carry on. Need proof? Look at the rise of gluten intolerance and food allergies in America.
This country’s poor diet and heavily processed foods are taking a major toll on immune systems. Certain immune responses can be reversed and even strengthened. It’s important to give it a hand because it can become sensitized (the opposite of desensitized), and that’s the path to greater allergy misery. It just takes the right tools to balance things out. Digestive enzymes help break down allergens that your body cannot break down on its own. Most allergens are carbs or proteins. So, when you provide your body with an army of protease, amylase and more, your body has an aha! moment and sends digestive enzymes to the front lines to methodically take care pollen, dust, and whatnot.
Over time, you can deplete digestive enzymes, especially if you don’t eat the right foods to regularly replenish them. This can lead to becoming more and more sensitive to allergens as you get older. Going back to basics is an important step to achieving optimal health. Essential vitamins and minerals play a role in immune function. Lacking in just one vitamin or mineral can hinder the body’s ability in fighting allergens. The importance of your gut cannot be overstated. So much about your health originates in your gut.
Allergic reactions are no exception, so your body absolutely needs probiotics to help avoid sensitivities and overreacting. Allergies can deplete your probiotic resources in your gut. There is a link between gut health and the number of T cells ( immune response cells) in your body. The more T cells, the milder your allergies.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) play a very important role in helping reduce and prevent inflammatory conditions. They are important components of the outer skin or membrane of every cell. They have been found to relieve allergy symptoms by improving respiratory function, and are also essential in providing lubrication for itchy eyes and dry nose. EFAs have been shown to help balance the immune system and prevent allergies.
Antioxidants provide the body with important defense mechanisms needed with allergies. Many antioxidants are involved in combating the damaging molecules that bombard the body every day. Allergy Pak: five formulas promote quick and complete breakdown of irritants, aid in digestion, engulf and eliminate allergens that have made it into the bloodstream, provide antioxidants to neutralize allergens, and reducing inflammation caused by allergic reactions.
Each packet includes:
Optimal Digestion-1 capsule Promotes the breakdown of foods into absorbable and usable forms by the action of plant-based enzymes and stabilized friendly bacteria.
Optimal Flora Plus-1 capsule Adds stabilized friendly bacteria to the intestines to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, aid in digestion, and boost the immune system.
Optimal E.F.A.-1 capsule Fatty Acids help the body to engulf and eliminate allergens that have made it into the bloodstream.
Opti-Mito-Force-2 capsule A wide array of antioxidants are necessary to ensure the body can fight off all the different types of allergens that make it into the bloodstream.
Optimal Acute-1 capsule When the body is fighting an allergy attack, inflammation becomes a big issue. Inflammation consists of excess proteins in the body.